Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tourism in Egypt

Tourism in Egypt

Tourism is the most important sources of national income in Egypt, The Egyptian people used to the presence of tourists among them since ancient times. Egypt is characterized by an abundance of sights of different types, because of the abundance of temples and Alotharohnak also Algaripalfronip by which many of the sayings Pharaonic that has been cared for and to attract investment in tourism, as tourism infrastructure, which includes five-star hotels, tourist villages and tourist agencies and airline offices, and is a tourist congestion in general in Cairo, Alexandria and Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada, Sinai and South Sinai, particularly in Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Nuweiba, where sports sport diving, which attracts tourists from around the world and particularly from Germany and Italy, the lovers of this type of sports, as Egypt is characterized by Alalcaab reefs rare in the Red Sea and types of fish that they held festivals and competitions fishing yacht, which comes to fishing, from the Egyptians and foreigners.

    As Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist country in the world where the number of tourists visiting Egypt more than 9.79 million tourists in 2007. Moreover, Egypt is ranked 58 worldwide among 124 countries in tourism competitiveness inde

Next to the old cultural tourism product, the accumulation of tender of those civilizations was stored in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of the Egyptians, rich and diverse patterns of distinct natures, behaviors and habits of the man made the Egyptian himself.

Passions Basarp ancient cultural heritage, a tourist attraction individually.

Has spared Egypt prosperous nature has given by God Almighty exclusive in nature, alluring eyes and hearts, not only beauty and magic as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settles it, but Egypt extended to Anne Bahrain on white and red and dive deep into the processes and spreads in the desert and makes all this heading months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is well known .. The date is months .. Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Arab, Islamic, humanitarian and tender, is the factory and store product, the Arab Cultural and humanitarian, in thought, literature, politics, art, journalism and architecture, have shaped Egypt frequently attractive regions for tourism and associated with these ingredients massive producer of the Egyptian tourism infrastructure developed and modern facilities, installations and various accessories services high-end tourism from a wide range of luxurious international hotels to the transport network, air and land, sea and river distinct and to communication facilities and centers of guidance a tourist making a visit to the tourist to Egypt, no matter how objective and purpose of visit full of fun and excitement and interes
Types of tourism in Egypt

First: Cultural Tourism

Tourism is the cultural and archaeological sites of the most important and oldest types of tourism in Egypt as Egypt has many of the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Romanian and museums, has created cultural tourism since the discovery of ancient Egyptian antiquities and decode hieroglyphs, and even now is not interrupted missions effects, travelers, tourists and authors of books tourism to Egypt has been published hundreds of books in different languages and was a way to attract tourists from all over the world to see Egypt and its effects and ancient civilizations through the national museums and art and antiques

    The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Cairo and Giza:

    Dam of Atonement: located in the Valley Mararey South Helwan.

    City Online: one of the most important archeological sites and ancient Egyptian known as Ain Shams or Helio Polis is one of the oldest capitals of the ancient world and the most important archaeological ruins of King Senusret I Obelisk "Obelisk rain" which is the only impact the rest of the features of this city.

    , One of the most important archeological sites and ancient Egyptian known as Ain Shams or Helio Polis is one of the oldest capitals of the ancient world and the most important archaeological ruins of King Senusret I Obelisk Obelisk rain which only effect the rest of the features of this city.

    The Pyramids: The three pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, one of the seven wonders of the world as it is considered a unique architectural achievement in engineering Hmok attest to the greatness of Egypt and stands to guard the Great Sphinx, a colossal statue consists of a body of a lion and a human face

    Saqqara: held the first stone structure in the world is on the Saqqara pyramid built by King Zoser in 2816 BC

    Area Dahshur: the most important archeological sites in Egypt, which includes the most important archaeological treasures, where he found out more than archaeological discovery of gold in the pyramids and cemeteries, and most important of these pyramids, Bent Pyramid, known as the Pyramid yellow pyramid curve Senvero King, the Black Pyramid of King Amenemhat III, and pyramid King Senusret III has begun the region in global tourism after the reception prepared for that.

    The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Alexandria:

    Column Pompey: Pompey's column, the last remaining relics of the temple Alserabayoum Bustumus established due date of this column to the third century AD.

    Roman Theater: The bench is located in Kom, a Roman Theater reef in Egypt.

    ROMANIAN baths: found some third-party and Kom El-Kir East.

    Temple of the head black: built and due to the late second and early third century AD and includes the lobby of the temple statues of Isis and Osiris and Farbokratis.

    Komelshkafah cemetery: the graves is the largest Romanian general found in Alexandria is located on the border of West Alexandria cowardly old and due to the second century AD.

Agaysron Temple: built by Cleopatra VII on behalf of Marc Antony has been erected in front of the entrance obelisks were moved from the Temple of Ain Shams, and bearing the names of the kings of the Pharaohs Tuthmosis III, Seti I and Ramses II was quoted by one Almslten in 1877 to London and the second to New York.

    The most important archeological sites in Luxor tourist:

    Luxor: the most important cities in the southern third level, which includes the effects of the world and was known in the old state in 270-280 BC. M and known in the Middle when I put the foundations of the Temple of Karnak, and was the capital of the modern state and is known by several names (and AST) Luxor and Thebes, Luxor is a civilian as a museum open to the effects of ancient Egyptian and the most important features:

    Karnak Temple: It is a wonderful complex of beautiful temples which has never existed, where comprises the goddess temples of Amun at Karnak, and his wife the goddess Mut and son Khonsu, god of the moon god.

    Luxor Temple : was founded after the restoration project complete and considers the lobby of Amenhotep III, the most beautiful courtyard exists between the Egyptian temples where the surrounding lobby 64 columns and hall of columns by 32 columns and has been called the yard the sun because it was open to the sky and the courtyard was surrounded by corridors roofed afford these columns .

    The Temple of Habu: The opening of a substantial addition on the tourist map because of its huge in terms of technical and aesthetic, as it is the largest building of the Egyptian king has remained intact so far and called Karnak, the western view of the magnitude which is a large temples remaining mainland western Luxor, which includes temples, a high degree of importance historical and archaeological sites, one of the largest funerary temples dedicated to honor the memory of the pharaohs in the modern state, was established by King Ramses III on the beach right from the south of Thebes.

    Valley of the Kings: it comprises a huge number of tombs, including Tutankhamun's tomb, which moved its contents to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the most important archaeological tombs tomb of Ramses I, Ramses III and Horemheb and Tuthmosis III.

    Valley of the Queens: it comprises a large number of tombs of queens and the most important tomb of Nefertari Queen Tiye.

    Deir el-Medina: and include the city workers who had built the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and is packed with tombs.

    Mummification Museum in Luxor: is the first of its kind in the world, comprising 150 pieces between mummies and coffins and embalming tools.

    The most important archeological sites in Aswan tourist:

    Aswan City: The city of Aswan, the world's most beautiful winter resorts and includes several historic monuments, namely: the temples of Abu Simbel and the two temples built by Ramses II months pharaohs of Egypt between 1223 BC and 1290 AD. The two most important temples of Nubia The two temples of architectural wonders have been fully carved inside the mountain, namely:

    Temple of Abu Simbel: has been earmarked for the worship of the god Ra the sun god Hor Acht bright.

    Temple of Abu Simbel Sub: built by Ramses II to commemorate his beloved wife Nefertari and the advantage of this temple is the beauty of his drawings, colors, and is called the Temple of the rock goddess of love, music and beauty.

    Philae Island: with the remains of temples, which is an unparalleled masterpiece.

    Island plants: a bus with a rare tropical plants.

    The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Upper Egypt:

    Balyana Lapidus: gaining importance of the presence of the royal tombs Among the most famous landmarks Temple Temple of Seti I and Ramses II.

    City of Qena:

    Dendera Temple: Established in the reign of the Ptolemies and consists of a forest of columns is similar to the columns, which tops the entrance to the temple and the temple hall decorated with drawings, which are still vivid colors.

    Minya City:

    Tel el-Amarna: The first planned cities in the history is a civil Akhetaten was built by Pharaoh Akhenaten, Egypt's great.

    Beni Suef City:

    Meidum archaeological area: of the pyramid, which was built by King Meidum The Bent Pyramid Meidum first pyramids in history.

    City Alahmonin:

    Tuna area of the mountain: draws attention Brsomea Fine Art, a mixture of Greek and ancient Egyptian mummy and has a girl named Isadora.

    The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Sinai:

    Cave inscriptions: the oldest documents of cultural tourism in the Sinai is located in the valley east of the Gulf of Suez.

    Patterns and the effects of Srabit server: It is full of inscriptions and monuments and temples dating back to the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty.

    Mount Moses and Mount garment: the mountains were involved in the value of holiness and the establishment of offerings.

    By the loader: The main roads to a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the Hijaz has been used this way for the pilgrimage since 1248.

    The most important archaeological sites in Fayoum Tourism:

    Includes a number of effects including: the pyramid of Agon, the pyramid of Hawara, base of the pyramid Amnhamat, Obelisk of Senusret, civil Mady, mostly due to the family of 12 by the ruins of cities and palaces including the city of Karanis archaeological com hill, Dimip lions Palace Karun, civil or Alpremat, the palace chapel.

    The most important areas of archaeological tourist oases:

    Kharga Oasis:

    Hibs Temple: It dates back to the family 26 min m and was built to worship the holy trinity of Amon Ra, death, Khonsu.

    Interment Albjuat Alqbwat: of 263 dome-shaped structure.

    Alquwaytp Temple: built for the worship of the Holy Trinity and is up to the family of 27 BC AD.

    Rayan Temple: built in the Roman era.

    Monastery: one old forts built in the Roman era.

    Dakhla Oasis:

    Mott: and there are cemeteries dating back to the Sixth Dynasty BC.

    Bashndy: a village built on the Pharaonic style and there are several tombs of the most important cemetery Keinanos.

    Interment Almdhuqp: due to the Roman era, the most important cemetery Ba - De Basant - Auxerre.

    Islamic Tiles village: and due to the Turkish era, a highly populated now.

    Pharaonic village of Blat: The family returns to the sixth BC.

stoneTemple Monastery: This is due to the Roman era and was built for the worship of the god Amun and his wife's death.

    Islamic village palace: and returns to the Ayyubid period.

    Siwa Oasis: Siwa known name in the Pharaonic era Bashaly and there by several archaeological sites dating back to the Pharaonic and Roman times and the most important tourist attractions and monuments of the Temple of Jupiter Amun, the Temple treasury, Mountain of the Dead, Temple of the predictions.

    Bahariya Oasis: There are about 268 eyes of sulfur and metal in addition to the pharaonic and Romanian.

Oasis Paris: includes shower temple which was built for the worship of the god Serapis in the Roman era.

    Farafra Oasis: There is the Palace of Farafra and Qasr Abu Minqara a return to the Roman era.

There are several museums located in Egypt, ranging from museums and national and regional art and contains masterpieces of cultural and civilization, including:

Egyptian Museum: Pharaonic antiquities with a unique and contains a wonderful quarter of a million artifacts, tells the history of ancient Egypt.

Museum of Islamic Art: includes Lander and the greatest collection of antiques and relics and treasures that have been creativity in the light of Islamic civilization, with about eighty thousand masterpiece of porcelain, pottery, glass, rock crystal, textile, carpets, metals, jewelry, wood, ivory and precious stones.

Jawhara Palace Museum: includes the Throne Room and some old pieces of furniture from the era of Muhammad Ali as well as many Islamic monuments.

Manial Palace Museum: Built on the Arab-style Central Park area of 30 acres containing a rare trees and contains a museum on ancient Islamic manuscripts and textiles embroidered in addition to the rare collections of carpets, crystal vases and candlesticks.

Greek Museum: includes a large number of artifacts of historical value art dating to the era before the birth, there is in Alexandria.

Aswan Museum: It houses a collection of antiquities found in the Aswan and Nubia, including the mummy of the sacred ram god Khnum.

Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum:

The museum has its Inspired by the ancient Egyptian civilization, and the most important artifacts left behind by the rise of Mahmoud Mokhtar Egypt statue carved from granite, primarily in the face of the University of Cairo.

Museum of Fine Arts: includes a large number of works of sculpture, photography, architecture.

Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil Museum: 

includes production of the influential French Masterpieces of the school is the most important museum collections of images, photography, bronze sculptures and a wide range of metal objects, glassware and a range of Japanese antiques Lucky.

Museum of Egyptian Art: Fine Arts includes modern.
Coptic Museum: 

the most important cultural institutions that preserve its heritage and the Coptic Museum houses 14 thousand archaeological pieces enrich the heritage of Coptic art in the world.

Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria: 

a large number of his works in painting, which earned him an international reputation in the field of Fine Art.

Agricultural Museum: 

is considered one of the largest museums in the world where agriculture is in ancient times, which allows the visitor to identify the evolution of life in the Egyptian countryside.

Military Museum: 

Inside the Citadel of Saladin in Cairo, which contains models of weapons and clothing soldiers Egypt and pictures of the great battles fought by the people since the days of the Mamluks of Egypt until the war the sixth of October 1973.

Maritime Museum in Alexandria: 

established within the Bey Citadel historic Alexandria and includes in its contents summary heritage submitted by Egypt to humanity through its shipping of civilized values and additions valuable in the fields of knowledge, arts and economic activity and trade as well as all glory marine obtained by Egypt on the ages and formed the heritage of a national of the country always .

El Alamein Museum:

includes all types of weapons used by the Germans and the British in World War II and has three-dimensional models and images of battles and commanders of the operations of all countries of the Axis and the Allies.

Railway Museum: The building is located station Egypt and has more than 100 model of the means of transportation, ancient and modern.

There are also some other museums, such as:

Nagy Museum, the Museum of Mansoura and is located in Dar Ibn Luqman, and Donshway Museum, the Museum and the Museum of E-wax. Was also opened Mummification Museum Pharaonic Village.

Second: leisure tourism

Egypt has a shoreline with views of the Mediterranean and Red Sea and extends for about 3000km and is characterized by the Red Sea its clear water and Caabh colorful coral and Osmake rare and mountains varying period in a long series Bmhazap the sea is not with him but easy fit for camping and enjoying the coast of the gulf of Aqaba great facilities to practice water sports, as well as the spread Tourism, recreational resorts on the Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aqaba and the Mediterranean coast.

     One of the main tourism sites and tourism recreational beaches in Egypt: Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada, Dahab Nuweiba Ras Sidr Marsa Alam Safaga El Arish Al Ain Sukhna the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea
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