Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tourism in Lebanon

Tourism in Lebanon

Tourism is in Lebanon, one of the most supportive of the national economy Lebanese sources of income and provide job opportunities for many of the Lebanese people and the gathering of tourism in Lebanon between all kinds of arena postcard beaches of tourism and cultural tourism and religious mordern archaeological many museums and other places that attract tourists to spend a lovely time in Lebanon.

Tourist places in Lebanon


A city archaeological and historical Lebanese located in the north of the Bekaa Valley and away from the Byron 83 kilometers from the northeast which is considered one of the most important tourist places in Lebanon and the most important tourist attractions in Lebanon where he visited thousands of tourists from all over the world to see the temples and Roman columns built by the Romans, one of the most famous monuments in Baalbek also has also raised islamic from the Umayyad and other tourist places in Lebanon era.

Jeita Grotto

Located Jeita Grotto in the Valley Dog River and away from Bert about 20 kilometers from to the north, one of the biggest landmarks in Lebanon and is keen tourists had and dubbed essence of tourism in Lebanon, which is a cave containing cavities and coral narrow structures formed by nature, if it offers to tourists view Do not forget the natural beauty and splendor.

National Museum of Beirut

It is the official museum in Lebanon and is located in downtown Beirut and established the museum in 1942 and in 1300 the museum displays artifacts, dating back to the Roman and Greek and Islamic eras, and the era of iron, bronze, prehistoric, one of the most important in Lebanon tourist attraction.

There are also a total of tourist places in Lebanon, such as cedar forests and Beiteddine Palace and the city of Tyre and archaeological Martyrs' Square and Hamra Street and other places of tourist to us that support tourism in Lebanon and attract tourists to the tourism in Lebanon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tourism in Alexandria

tourist attractions in Alexandria

                         Citadel of Qaitbay

The Citadel of Qaitbay of the most important tourist attractions in Alexandria is located at the end of the Pharos maximum west of Alexandria was built in the reign of Sultan Al-Ashraf Abu-Nasr Qaitbay year 882 AH has been completely rebuilt 884 AH and Citadel of Qaitbay, contain a separate building a length of 60 meters and width of 50 meters and has a thickness Bracelet 4.5 meters and consists of three floors of the old castles system in the Middle Ages and there are yard wide maritime museum.

                          Montaza Palace

One of the tourist attractions in Alexandria Palace and the Montaza Palace from the royal palaces built during the reign of Khedive Abbas Hilmi II in 1892 AD in Alexandria, and Montaza Palace is located inside the  gardens known Montaza park.

                     Royal Jewelry Museum

Royal Jewelry Museum of the  Alexandria of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Alexandria The museum Jewelry family Egyptian royal palace was built in 1919 in an area Zezenia It is an architectural masterpiece designed according to the model of the European in the nineteenth century and was the property of the princess Fatima Zahra one of the princesses royal family has been converted into a museum in 1986 and the Royal Museum of jewelry contains a large collection of antiques and jewelry the Royal family and rare antiques, including a total of Muhammad Ali Pasha until King Farouk I.

                           Pompey's Pillar

The Pompey's Pillar of the most famous monuments and the most important tourist attractions in Alexandria was held on a hill door Sidra between area cemeteries and the Golan com Alhqavp archaeological length reaches around me, 27 meters long and is made of stone red granite was held in honor of the Emperor Diocletian in the third century AD and is Asherah of the highest monument column Memorial in the world.

Tourism in Dahab

                            Dahab Tourism

Dahab is a tourist city located in South Sinai Governorate, a month tourist city Egyptian after the Sharm el-Sheikh is located Dahab Gulf of Aqaba southeast peninsula of Sinai, 100 km to the north of Sharm el-Sheikh, located 140 km from the city of Eilat and includes Dahab bays are Qurah Bay, located in the center the city and the Gulf of El Gouna.

It consists of Dahab from two villages first village, the village and Bedouin name Alazle located in the southern half, while the village second is considered part of the commercial and administrative to Dahab is located to the north and there is also a hand-Israeli border island Coral, where the Crusaders built a fort can be seen residues and named Dahab that name in relation to the color Golden sand beaches that characterizes the net.

It is the most important activities that tourists can practice in the city of Dahab diving is famous for its beaches and golden websites amazing and brilliant that attract tourists diving out also characterized as cheaper than the tourist resorts Other There are also a range of leisure tourism in the city of Dahab riding the waves and safari & Spa and other types of tourism in Dahab.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

tourism in morocco

tourism in morocco :-

For a wildlife holiday with a difference Morocco makes a wonderful destination to explore on foot. This magnificent country is dominated by the High Atlas Mountains, which boast the perfect habitat for much of the countrys wildlife. Harsh rugged landscapes blossom into lush pastures in springtime when winter melts away to reveal a colourful display of mountain flowers in a profusion of pinks yellows and purples. This is definitely the best time to tourism Morocco as the temperatures are pleasant and the scenery is nothing short of stunning

Advantages of tourism in Morocco :-

Morocco is home to many endemic and rare bird species, which inhabit every corner of the country from the coastal wetlands to the towering mountains of the High Atlas. This dramatic range of mountains separates the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts from the extensive Sahara Desert, and it spreads through northwest Africa into Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Mount Toubkal is the highest peak, standing at 4167m above sea level.

Many wildlife trekking holidays begin in Marrakech, which itself deserves a day or two of exploration. The vibrant atmosphere in this capital city is captivating and there is much to discover here, from palaces and souks to mausoleums and mosques.

Leaving the bustling city you will head out to the Atlas Mountains where your trekking adventure begins. Led by experienced guides and muleteers, these treks are well catered and very efficiently run. In order to get the most out of your experience, it's best to book with a company that caters to small groups only.

As you venture into the mountains you will see the scenery change dramatically, and for those with a special interest in endemic avian species this area is very exciting. Look out for the Moussier's Redstart, Barbary Partridge, African Blue Tit, Levaillant's Woodpecker and Tristram's Warbler.

The mountainous area of Morocco also has a long history of settlement, and as you trek you will more than likely encounter the local Berber farmers who have inhabited the mountains for centuries making a living from farming their Barbary sheep. The Berber people predate Islam and the Arabs and have a long and interesting history. You can find out more about this fascinating culture with the opportunity to visit local villages and explore the ancient traditions for yourself. The mountain people are incredibly hospitable and are delighted to see visitors, welcoming them with open, smiling faces.

Many wildlife holidays based around a trek in Morocco also include a trip to Essaouria, which is located further south on the coast. Here, it is the Eleanora's Falcons and other seabirds that are the highlight for keen bird watchers. Essaouria has some stunning beaches as well, which offer a welcome respite after a long trek in the mountains.

If you're looking for a wildlife holiday that offers a taste of adventure, head to Morocco and discover the many delights of this wonderful and colourful country.

koro island fiji

                                                     koro island fiji

Koro Island is the seventh largest island belonging to the Fiji Islands. It lies in the South Pacific Ocean and is comprised of many volcanoes. The area of the island is hardly 42.5 square miles and there are basaltic cinder cones that are spread from the southern to the northern part respectively. The other side of Koror Island is enclosed by the resorts and bays.
The Koro Island has an airport which is situated on the eastern coast. The population of the island was 2500 in the year 1960 but it had increased to 4500 by the year 2007.

 Getting in Koro Island :-

An individual can board a flight to Koro Island from Nadi or Suva respectively. One flight runs to the island on Saturday only. Then, there are mini-buses that travel from one city to the other city. Nadi and Suva are the two main cities. Different rides are being offered by the bus drivers in these cities.
A person can even move about through a taxi, but it is much expensive. A taxi can be taken from any of the main cities in order to board a flight to the Koro Island.
Lastly there is an option of boarding a ferry if there is a transportation. For this a person needs to board a bus from Suva where the ferry will take him to the Koro Island at 5 pm and will arrive at the island at 4 pm respectively. This can only happen on Wednesday. Then from Koro Island the ferry can be taken at 6 am on Wednesday to go back to the city of Suva. Here it will arrive at 11 am.

Advantages Koro Island :-

To sum it up we can say that Koro is definitely a beautiful and splendid island. It provides many beatific spots or locations which can be explored singly or guided through a staff. The three resorts on the Koro Island are really exquisite places that have the spectacular beachfront to feel relaxed. The weather is most pleasant and it does not exceed 85 degrees at all. The cinder cones that are present are nearly 10000 years old and interesting as well.
Since people are simple, life is simple at Koro Island. An individual can enjoy here and relax for sure. One can even buy a property here to live or to visit with family every year respectively.

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